
Kusama (KSM)

Kusama (KSM)

The price of Kusama is $27.87, a -13.58% change over the last 7 days. Learn more about Kusama’s price history, how it works, and how to invest.

Updated: Aug 5, 2024
Historical Data
Price Statistics
Kusama price today
24h Change -$0.63
24h Low $27.75
24h High $29.01
Market cap $446.30M
Trading Volume (24h) $15.27M
Market Dominance 0.01%
Market Rank #156
Circulating Supply 16.01M
Max Supply -

Kusama markets

Spot Derivatives OTC
# Source Pairs Price +2% Depth -2% Depth Volume Updated
Binance Binance
KSM/USDT $26.89 $138,872.88 $227,161.85 1,915,198 Recently
Kraken Kraken
KSM/USD $26.95 $114,899.08 $185,548.19 266,480 Recently
Coinbase Exchange Coinbase Exchange
KSM/USD $26.89 $45,394.87 $70,768.34 405,591 Recently
KuCoin KuCoin
KSM/USDT $26.95 $38,631.84 $57,329.32 90,401 Recently
Binance Binance
KSM/BTC $27.08 $14,599.87 $17,718.30 53,008 Recently
Binance Binance
KSM/BUSD $18.85 $4,249.44 $18,954.03 22,955 Recently
Kraken Kraken
KSM/EUR $26.87 $83,406.79 $75,665.28 51,693 Recently
Coinbase Exchange Coinbase Exchange
KSM/USDT $17.59 $23,127.82 $76,913.59 3,992 Recently
Kraken Kraken
KSM/BTC $21.24 $5.72 $187.48 21 Recently
Kraken Kraken
KSM/ETH $20.19 - - 36 Recently
Binance Binance
KSM/USDT $26.89 - - 11,375,125 Recently
KuCoin KuCoin
KSM/USDT $26.95 - - 49,849 Recently
Kraken Kraken
KSM/USD $26.95 - - 16,751 Recently
KSM/USDT $26.90 - - 2,706,259 Recently
Huobi Huobi
KSM/USDT $19.14 - - 5,948,375 Recently
Bybit Bybit
KSM/USDT $26.88 - - 2,229,867 Recently
KSM/USD $23.31 - - 106,680 Recently
Bitget Bitget
KSM/USDT $26.90 - - 465,572 Recently
Crypto.com Exchange Crypto.com Exchange
KSM/USD $26.88 - - 4,621 Recently
KSM/USDT $26.89 - - 1,274,707 Recently
No data found
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About Kusama

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What is the Kusama price today?

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The KSM price is currently $27.87. The price of Kusama is -6.57% over the last 30 days. You can use the live Kusama chart to track the KSM/USD price in real time above, or compare the Kusama value today to its past performance using the Kusama price history tab at the top of this page.

What is the Kusama price prediction for 2025?

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Kusama price predictions and forecasts are tricky, because crypto is such a fast-moving industry and new trends can explode very quickly.

However, you can use previous price trends, along with fundamental and technical analysis to make estimates about how Kusama might perform in the future.

For example, if you look at overall market trends in previous years, compared with how the Kusama price has risen or fallen in response, you can begin to understand how the Kusama market reacts to external pressures.

Alongside the KSM price chart and updates to the Kusama technology, uptake, or development, these factors help you make a Kusama price forecast for the next few months and years.

What is the total supply of KSM?

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The circulating supply is 16,010,667.64 KSM, out of a total maximum supply of 0.00 KSM.

What is the price prediction for Kusama?

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The average Kusama price prediction values the coin at $41.44 by the end of 2025. Things like the economic climate, establishment support and acceptance, and the crypto market as a whole can all have an impact on the price.

It’s best to take predictions with a grain of salt but you can use expert estimates to help you understand the weight of opinion about a coin.

What is Kusama?

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Kusama is a testing ground for the Polkadot network, a place for developers to try out new features with looser restrictions and test them in live environments.

The KSM coin is the cryptocurrency that’s linked to the blockchain. KSM holders get the chance to vote on governance issues, with voting power based on how many tokens you own.

How does Kusama work?

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Kusama works using a blockchain to store and host its data. There is one main blockchain, known as the ‘Relay Chain’, alongside lots of smaller, customisable blockchains, known as ‘parachains’.

Individual developers or companies can set up parachains, which have a low barrier to entry in order to facilitate innovation. The parachains then piggy-back off of resources of the main Relay Chain, which means they can run simultaneously while remaining secure.

How is the Kusama network secured?

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Kusama uses a consensus mechanism known as ‘nominated Proof of Stake’. Anyone who stakes KSM coins can validate new transactions, or nominate someone else to act as validator.

While Kusama is secure, it naturally takes a more relaxed approach to security than Polkadot, its cousin. The whole point of Kusama is to act as a testing ground for innovation that might be rolled out to improve Polkadot in the future.

What is Kusama used for?

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KSM’s main use is for staking, where you can use your coins to access governance rights or to help validate transactions, and then earn more KSM tokens as a reward.

You can also use KSM to speculate on the network’s performance, or as an investment in the wider success of the Polkadot network, as the two coins are so closely linked.

Why does KSM have value?

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It has value as it’s vital to the running of the network. You must have KSM in order to act as a validator or to build on the network. Therefore the more demand there is to build on the network, the higher KSM’s value is likely to be.

It also has value because of its link to the Polkadot network. If Polkadot is successful, then there’s likely to be an increase in the KSM price as well.

Who created Kusama?

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Like Polkadot, Kusama was created by Dr. Gavin Wood, one of the minds behind the original Ethereum project. Its co-founders were Peter Czaban and Robert Habermeier.

Where can I buy Kusama?

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You can buy Kusama on either a centralised cryptocurrency exchange (CEX) or decentralized exchange (DEX), depending on its availability. An exchange is a marketplace that allows you to sign up, deposit your money, and buy some crypto, just as you would with a stock trading platform.

Our guide on how & where to buy Kusama explains step-by-step exactly how to get started with a reliable crypto exchange, or via one of the most popular decentralized exchanges.

Most cryptocurrency brokers allow you to keep the coins you buy in your account. However, you may want to sign up for a dedicated crypto wallet for some extra security.

Are there any other ways to invest in Kusama?

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The simplest way to invest in Kusama is to buy it outright. However, another option is to simply open a crypto account. Crypto accounts are like regular bank accounts and allow you to store a variety of currencies, send and receive payments, earn interest on savings, and spend freely with a credit card.

You can also invest in crypto more generally through a crypto ETF or a crypto fund. These are financial instruments that give you exposure to a group of leading cryptocurrencies, more suited to high net worth individuals.

Are there any Kusama alternatives?

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Yes, in the sense that there are a lot of other smart contract platforms like Polkadot and Kusama. There are also other coins which act as testing grounds for larger, more popular cryptocurrencies. Here are some Kusama alternatives.

  • Polkadot. Polkadot is a smart contract platform. Kusama is the ‘canary in the coal mine’ for the Polkadot network.
  • Ethereum. Ethereum is the largest smart contract blockchain in the world.
  • Litecoin. Litecoin is a cryptocurrency that can act as a testing ground for Bitcoin.


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Is Kusama safe?


Has Kusama been hacked?

James Knight
Editor of Education
James is the lead editor of education for Invezz. He's an avid trader and golfer, who spends an inordinate amount of time watching Leicester City and… read more.

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