Cairns Group

The Cairns Group is a coalition of agricultural exporting countries formed to advocate for liberalizing trade policies and reducing agricultural subsidies and protectionism.
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Updated on Jun 3, 2024
Reading time 4 minutes

3 key takeaways

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  • The Cairns Group aims to promote free and fair trade in agricultural products by advocating for the elimination of trade barriers and subsidies.
  • It plays a significant role in international trade negotiations, particularly in forums such as the World Trade Organization (WTO).
  • Member countries of the Cairns Group include major agricultural exporters from both developed and developing regions.

What is Cairns Group

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The Cairns Group is a coalition of agricultural exporting countries established in 1986 during the Uruguay Round of trade negotiations. Named after the Australian city of Cairns, where the group was founded, its primary objective is to advocate for the liberalization of trade policies in agriculture. The Cairns Group seeks to reduce trade barriers such as tariffs and quotas, eliminate export subsidies, and oppose protectionist measures that distort global agricultural markets.

Importance of Cairns Group

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  • Advocacy for Free Trade: The Cairns Group serves as a leading voice for agricultural liberalization and free trade policies on the global stage, promoting fair market access for agricultural exporters.
  • Influence in Trade Negotiations: Member countries leverage the collective strength of the Cairns Group to influence trade negotiations and shape international trade agreements, particularly within the framework of the World Trade Organization (WTO).
  • Support for Developing Countries: The Cairns Group provides a platform for developing countries to amplify their concerns and interests in international trade forums, advocating for greater market access and reduced barriers to agricultural exports.

How Cairns Group works

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Policy Coordination

Member countries of the Cairns Group coordinate their policy positions and priorities to present a unified stance on agricultural trade issues. This involves regular consultations and collaboration to develop common strategies and objectives.

Advocacy and Negotiation

The Cairns Group engages in advocacy efforts and negotiations at various international forums, including the WTO, to promote its agenda of agricultural liberalization. Member countries work together to advance proposals, challenge protectionist measures, and seek favorable outcomes in trade negotiations.

Outreach and Engagement

The Cairns Group conducts outreach activities to engage with other countries, stakeholders, and international organizations on issues related to agricultural trade. This includes participating in conferences, seminars, and diplomatic initiatives to raise awareness of its goals and priorities.

Examples of Cairns Group

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  • Doha Development Agenda: The Cairns Group played a key role in the Doha Development Agenda negotiations launched by the WTO in 2001, advocating for greater market access for agricultural products from developing countries and the elimination of export subsidies.
  • Trade Liberalization Initiatives: Member countries of the Cairns Group have collaborated on bilateral and regional trade agreements aimed at reducing trade barriers and promoting agricultural exports. For example, Australia and New Zealand, both Cairns Group members, have pursued trade liberalization agreements with countries in the Asia-Pacific region.

Real world application

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In the real world, the Cairns Group has been instrumental in shaping global trade policies and advancing the interests of agricultural exporting countries. For instance, its advocacy efforts have contributed to the inclusion of agricultural trade liberalization commitments in multilateral trade agreements such as the WTO’s Agreement on Agriculture.

Moreover, the Cairns Group continues to play a crucial role in ongoing trade negotiations and discussions, advocating for fair and transparent rules that support open markets and foster economic development. By fostering cooperation among member countries and engaging with diverse stakeholders, the Cairns Group contributes to a more inclusive and equitable global trading system, benefiting agricultural producers and consumers worldwide.

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