Company: registered number

A company registered number, also known as a company registration number (CRN) or company number, is a unique identifier assigned to a company upon its registration with the relevant government authority.
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Updated on Jun 6, 2024
Reading time 3 minutes

3 Key Takeaways

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  • The registered number serves as a unique identifier for the company throughout its existence.
  • It is used for various legal and administrative purposes, such as filing taxes and annual returns.
  • The format and length of the registered number can vary depending on the jurisdiction.

What is a Company Registered Number?

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A company registered number is a unique alphanumeric code assigned to a company when it is officially registered with the designated government agency, such as Companies House in the United Kingdom. This number serves as a permanent identifier for the company, regardless of any changes to its name, address, or ownership structure.

Importance of a Company Registered Number

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  • Legal Identification: The registered number is used to officially identify the company in all legal documents and correspondence.
  • Compliance: It is required for various regulatory filings, such as annual returns, tax filings, and other statutory obligations.
  • Verification: The registered number can be used to verify the legal existence and status of the company.
  • Transparency: It allows stakeholders, such as investors and creditors, to access information about the company’s registration details.

How a Company Registered Number is Obtained

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The company registered number is automatically assigned upon the successful registration of the company with the relevant authority. The process typically involves submitting the necessary documents, such as the memorandum and articles of association, along with the required fees. Once the registration is approved, the company receives a certificate of incorporation, which includes the registered number.

Examples of Company Registered Numbers

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  • UK: Companies registered in the UK have an eight-digit registered number, sometimes preceded by the letters “OC” for older companies.
  • US: In the US, the equivalent is an Employer Identification Number (EIN), a nine-digit number assigned by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
  • Other Jurisdictions: Different countries have their own formats and conventions for company registered numbers.

Real-World Applications

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The company registered number is used in various real-world scenarios:

  • Business Contracts: It is often included in contracts and agreements to identify the contracting parties.
  • Invoicing: The registered number is usually displayed on invoices to provide the recipient with the company’s legal details.
  • Company Website: It is often included in the company’s website footer, along with other company information.
  • Regulatory Filings: It is a mandatory requirement for various filings with government agencies and regulatory bodies.

Understanding the importance and usage of a company registered number is crucial for businesses and individuals involved in corporate affairs.

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