Creative accounting

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Written on Aug 20, 2021
Reading time 1 minutes

A practice of using alternative, usually permitted, methods and approaches to accounting for manipulation of accounting figures in order to transform them in a desired way. Examples include the creation of special accounts to which transactions can be relegated so as to appear as off balance-sheet items, or selling assets and leasing them back, thus exchanging present receipts from the sale for future liabilities in the rentals payable. Creative accounting may be used in shifting receipts between apparent income and apparent capital gains, if these are subject to different tax rates or rules.

Reference: Oxford Press Dictonary of Economics, 5th edt.

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James Knight

James Knight

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James is the Editor of Education for Invezz, where he covers topics from across the financial world, from the stock market, to cryptocurrency, to macroeconomic markets. His main focus is on improving financial literacy among casual investors. He has been with Invezz since the start of 2021 and has been...