Arch Resources (ARCH) Stock Price, Quote, Charts & Tips
Arch Resources (ARCH) Stock Price, Quote, Charts & Tips
The price of Arch Resources is $135.00, a change over the last 7 days. View Arch Resources’s price chart, history, ratings, and buy/sell tips.
Arch Resources price today
24h Change | 0.00 |
24h High | $169.89 |
24h Low | $159.36 |
Market cap | $2.44B |
P/E Ratio | 14.06 |
Dividend yield | 0.0074% |
Earnings per share | $9.59 |
52 Week High | $12.47 |
52 Week Low | $1.72 |
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James is the lead editor of education for Invezz. He's an avid trader and golfer, who spends an inordinate amount of time watching Leicester City and…
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